Today I wanted to share with you many different reasons why going vegan is a good idea. None of the following animals are treated with compassion and affection.
I have been vegetarian for 8 years and started being vegan 2 years ago, it was by far the best choice I have ever made. There is not a day I regret being vegan. Although it is important to follow a healthy diet, it may be difficult at the beginning but gets easy with the time. There are many online sources that you can check on how to follow healthy vegan diet or even go to a nutritionist that will help you on your journey.
1. Pigs are just as sentient as dogs and cats, which means they feel pain on physical and emotional levels.
2. Pigs are as aware and sentient as four year old human children.
3. They can learn to play video games.
4. They enjoy soothing music and massages.
5. Pigs are kept in cages so small in factory farms they can’t even turn around.
6. In the factories, pigs are forced to breast feed their babies through cages.
7. Pork increases your daily risk of mortality by 20%
8. Because of living conditions, most pigs experience depression and emotional trauma.
9. There are plenty of cruelty free bacons, so why kill?
1. It’s one of the worst things you could feed yourself
2. Cows have to be pregnant or just have given birth in order to lactate- because of this, cows are put on “rape racks” and forcefully inseminated every 9 months or so.
3. If they baby that is born is a male, they will kill him immediately for veal.
4. If the baby is female, the cycle will repeat until she is too old to give milk- at which point she will be sentenced to death.
5. Milk doesn’t have to be cruel, there are many vegan products to choose from, like almond, soya, cashew, coconut, oat and rice milk.
6. Why most of us can’t digest milk? Lactasa enzymeIt is produced in bowel cells of all newborns and infants and is necessary to digest milk sugar, lactose. Only between 30 and 70% of adults, according to populations, continue to produce intestinal lactase in lower quantities. Milk should be only for babies. Lactose intolerance is not a disease, it is something normal that happens to all the persons when they grow up, it just affects with different intensity to some people.
1. Cows are social animals and usually have best friends
2. They also get excited when they solve problems
3. Incorrect stunning occurs during slaughter so most times they are painfully stunned a second time or the dismemberment begins as they’re still alive
4. Neu5Gc is found only in animal meat, and is a sugar we cannot digest.
5. People who eat meat, especially red meat are more likely to develop cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
6. Cows are separated from their babies (who are later killed) in slaughterhouses and research shows they grieve this
7. One pound of meat uses 16x the resources (vegetation) we would need to eat the food directly
8. Because one pound of beef uses more than 600 gallons of water, you save more water by not eating it than you do not showering for a year
9. Grass fed beef is even worse for the planet than factory farmed beef
10. There are plenty of products that don’t involve killing
1. Every single day in the U.S alone, the egg Industry kills more than 500,000 baby chicks either by suffocating or being ground alive because they are of no use to them.
2. Scientific studies show eggs are 2/3 as bad for you as smoking. + The recommended account of cholesterol humans should be consuming a day should be under 200-300mg, one cup of eggs has 507mg of cholesterol. It isn’t even HEALTHY cholesterol.
3. In the wild, chickens lay around 10-12 eggs a year. The egg Industry forces chickens by chemicals and genetic modification to lay more than 300 eggs a year.
4. Once a chicken cannot lay any more eggs, she is sent to the slaughterhouse to retire.
1. The average cage for a chicken in factory farms is smaller than your standard iPad.
2. In the U.S, 614,000 chickens enter boiling water alive
3. Because of genetic manipulation, 26% to 31% of factory farmed chickens suffer from severe leg abnormalities.
4. Because of the small spaces given to chickens, they will become very upset and fight. Instead of making the cages bigger, the industry cuts off the chickens beaks when they’re chicks.
5. Chickens are very loving animals, and also are sentient beings that feel pain.
6. Chickens are just as loveable as your family parrot
7. They are the most abused animal in the meat industry
8. Chickens are pumped full of so many hormones and forced to be such a big size for human consumption, they can barely walk
9. Most chickens are kept in such horrible conditions they die before they can even be slaughtered
1. 17,000 turkey enter boiling hot water alive
2. 45 million turkeys die for thanksgiving, 25 million for Christmas.
3. Baby turkeys (called poults) are very small and like to eat berries. In factory farms animals are fed processed soy/corn that they can’t digest well.
4. Turkeys also have their beaks cut off so they won’t fight.
GIVE UP DUCK AND FOIE GRAS (One of the main reason to go vegan)
1. Foie gras is the PRODUCT OF EXTREME ANIMAL CRUELTY. Factory farms produce it by force feeding ducks so much that their livers become diseased and enlarged. This causes a tremendous amount of suffering and can make it difficult for the birds to walk and breathe normally.
2. Foie gras producers shove pipes down ducks’ throats to force feed them far more than they would ever eat. The force feeding can cause bruises, lacerations, and sores. The duck’s livers may grow to ten times the normal size.
3. Some foie gras factory farms cram birds into small, filthy cages where they can’t turn around or spread their wings.
1.“90% of all large fish have disappeared since 1950s”
The amount of large predatory fish in the world’s ocean is today only about 10% of what the population levels were before large scale industrial fishing techniques were introduced in the 1950s. Check the source
2. “40% of sea life caught is discarded as waste”
It is estimated that 38.5 million tonnes of sea life that is caught annually, also known as ‘bycatch’, is discarded as waste, representing approximately 40 percent of the estimated global annual catch. Check the source
3. “The oceans will be empty by 2048″
Loss of ocean biodiversity is accelerating, with 29 percent of seafood species humans consume already crashed. If overfishing continues, in 3 decades there will be little or no seafood available as fish populations are under increased threat. Check the source
4. “$25 billion of subsidies for industry annually”
Analysis by fisheries researchers at the University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre suggests that global fisheries subsidies in 2003 ranged between US $25-$29 billion. Check the source
5.“Up to 2 trillion sea animals killed annually”
Nearly 70% of the fish caught globally tonnage has a corresponding estimated mean weight (EMW), including single and multi-species categories. Analysing this data estimates a total of 0.97-2.74 trillion individual animals caught annually. Check the source
6. “The oceans will be populated by jellyfish”
Human-induced stresses of overfishing, eutrophication, climate change, translocation and habitat modification appear to be promoting jellyfish (pelagic cnidarian and ctenophore) blooms to the detriment of other marine organisms.Check the source
Don’t like what you see? Go vegan. It’s time to know the truth and be part of the world where we belong, and start caring for every living being.